We have made the decision...we are moving to the country. As a completely novice country person, I have decided to chronicle my life in the country ( or as I like to call it, the middle of no where) for your entertainment. I titled this blog "Where did the street lights go?" because I find myself asking that question while we are driving to the middle of no where. Not only are there no street lights, but there are no sidewalks, road lines or even stop lights. As many of you know, I am not a country girl. I enjoy having Target 5 minutes away or running over to my neighbor's house for a quick glass of wine and a play date. However, after living 500 feet from Interstate 95 for the past 4 years, getting out to the country where the only thing you hear and see are your neighbor's livestock is a little appealing to me. However, a few fears have crept into my mind-- for example, there is no delivery of any kind. Want a pizza? Get in your car and drive for 120330042032 miles and bring it home ( and by then it's cold). Forget to get milk at the grocery store? Oh well, you're out of luck unless you want to drive another 13432427347234 miles to the store. Want to take the kids for a walk? you're gonna have to strap on those hiking boots and walk through the woods. I know what you are thinking. We must be crazy to move out to the country with no DELIVERY! right? Well, there are some positives about country living. There is A LOT of land. My children will have acres and acres to run and jump and I won't have to worry about the crazy creeps who may try to snatch them ( I know what you are thinking, crazy creeps still live in the country, and i totally agree, but seriously, there is not another living human around our little house for about 733746132646273 miles so i think we're safe). Also, people in the country ( or country folks as I like to call them) are exceptionally friendly. As you are driving down the road ( no doubt, a dirt road) they wave to you. That's so nice. People in suburbia don't really do that. They have better things to do -- like look at street lights and road lines and stop lights.
Before I get too far into talking about the country life, I guess I should first explain how the heck we decided to move out there. For the past year, JJ has been dying to move out to the country. He had been getting his "country fix" from volunteering at a farm out in Amelia county. About a month ago, they approached us and asked if we would like to live in their cottage on 7 acres for free in exchange for 20 hours a week of work from JJ on the farm. Did you read that correctly? We would get to live somewhere for FREE. No mortgage. No rent. And JJ would get to continue to volunteer at a farm which he already loved doing. How great is that? We knew we couldn't pass up that opportunity. So here we are-- packing up our three bedroom townhouse in the suburbs of Richmond and moving out to a 1 ( ONE!!) bedroom house on 7 acres in Amelia county.
So this was my motivation for starting a blog. I wanted somewhere where I could chronicle all the ups and downs of living the country life. I will share funny stories, recipes, tips and tricks and our day to day life. I hope you'll join us through our country adventure and hopefully enjoy it as much as I think I will.
Here are some pictures of our cute little house ( yes it is little, but remember, it's FREE). Also keep in mind, these are the BEFORE pictures. We have a lot of work to do before it is in move in condition. So stay tuned to see the AFTER pictures and to hear about our lives in the country where there are no street lights....or road lines....or stop lights.