Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So I decided to change the title of my blog. I'm really hoping to get back into blogging and decided that it needed a change. The slow lane equals Amelia county. Everyone and everything is slow here. The drivers, the people checking out at the grocery store, the way people talk. Everything is slow. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Maybe we all need to slow down a little bit and enjoy life a little more. But sometimes, I'm in a hurry. I have two kids pulling on me and wanting juice and snack and my 100% attention but I can't give them that when the cashier at Food Lion is telling me about her mama who is sick and how she had to go grocery shopping at 10pm last night and her dog ran away. Yes, those things are sad and I'm sorry that they are happening to you, but tell the person behind me. Please.  However, if I am kids-free and doing my grocery shopping, I am more than happy to hear about your childhood and every memory that you can possibly think of. I want to get to know the people in Amelia but I just don't have time to chat about your ex-husband's nephew's son's kid who just got a new cat when I have two kids NEEDING a snack! And by the way, can you please drive faster than 25mph because I NEED to get home! After being a city girl for so long, I am still always in a hurry. I want to get home quickly, I do not want to leisurely drive past the same farm I drive past every day and inspect every inch of their yard. Lets step on it and get to the place we need to go!!
So just because we live in Amelia county, it does not mean that OUR  lives are slow and dull. Actually it's quite the opposite. Sometimes I actually do wish our lives were slower and more calm. With preschool, speech therapy, two boys and a husband who works a lot, our schedules are quite full.
 Which is one reason why I wanted to start the blog back up. I have been pinteresting a lot and have so many ideas for new recipes and crafts that I would love to share. Also, I would really love to have some "me" time where I can actually organize all my thoughts and projects instead of just having them all bundled up in my head. I am imagining myself with a cup of coffee sitting in front of the computer typing my blog while my boys play peacefully and quietly downstairs. Haha, sorry I just popped into an alternative universe where I actually can drink one cup of coffee without having to put it in the microwave 100 times to warm it up. Anyways, maybe one day that will come true but for now, I will hopefully write my blog with two kids hanging from my legs and my coffee cup being warmed up in the microwave...again.
Anyways, one of my latest projects has been chore charts for the boys. I have been wanting to order them personalized fancy charts but then realized I could do it myself for free. So since neither of them can read yet, I did pictures instead of words. As of right now, all they have to do is make their bed, brush their teeth, get dressed, set the table and pick up their toys. If they get stickers on all the spots for the entire week, they get $1. Once they accumulate enough money we will introduce them to Dave Ramsay's save, give and spend categories but for  now we will just stick to the basics.

 Underneath the chore charts, you can see a bible verse. That is also a new development. I have started to introduce simple bible verses for the boys to memorize. This weeks verse is "Trust the Lord with all your heart." Proverbs 3:5.
So I'll leave you with a question. We have literally 1 million acorns outside right now. Later today I am going to have the boys go on a hunt for all of them and put them in a bag. And I need to find an age appropriate craft for them to do with them all. I seriously am having a major mind block on ideas for these darn acorns. Anyone have any ideas?

acorns, acorns everywhere....

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