Tuesday, January 17, 2012

And the country living begins...

I know I said that I would be better this time around with blogging...and I REALLY thought that i was... but things have been so incredibly hectic around here with moving and then the holidays, I really didn't have a free second. So I promise I will start it back up again. I promise....
Where to even begin? We officially moved in. And although, that may sound exciting, I was none to thrilled to be leaving my lovely granite countertops and stainless steel applianced townhouse to this house or as we like to call it "the cottage" ( now just add a creepy horror movie voice when you say it..." mwahahahaha the cottttttage"). It has taken me awhile to get used to it and I'm still not 100% there. Actually I'm not even 60% there. 50% maybe. Maybe. We moved in the week after Thanksgiving. And there are so many stories to tell that I am sure I won't get them all in this one post.
We had moved in. The boys were at mom's house and JJ and I were at "the cottage" (mwahaha) unpacking and such. All of a sudden, I hear JJ talking to someone outside....WHAT. Who the heck could that be? The serial killer coming to kill us already? Or maybe JJ had already started talking to the wild animals? No, it was our neighbor...informing us that their 2 (TWO!!!) year old son was missing. GRRRRREAT. That was just what I needed to hear to calm my fears about this whole country living thing. So JJ calmly informs me to go down the street and ask the mom some questions. Well the mother is frantic ( of course she is) and won't really give me any information....so I just decide to walk through the woods. Now let me set this picture up for you-- I am in black workout pants, tennis shoes ( no socks), a T-shirt ( no bra) tromping through the woods. It wasn't fun. There were thorns and chickens that jumped out at me and just lots of "woodsy" stuff. So finally, JJ and I meet back up in the woods and he has found nothing and I have found nothing. By this time, the cops have been called and are about to bring in their search dogs and the search helicopters...it's becoming a BIG deal. Well about five minutes later, we hear "WE FOUND HIM!!"....oh you ask where he was? oh yeah, he was asleep in the highchair....in the house. Yeah you read that right. In the highchair...fast asleep in the kitchen. Now I know that you have five kids...but come on! Oh well, I guess all this country air can make you a bit forgetful...
It was our first week in the house. The boys were back from Grandma's house and were upstairs napping. JJ was at work and Abby was still at the kennel. I had run outside to throw something in the trash and left the front door open ( really, for no longer than 7 seconds). When I came back into the house...what was there? A squirrel. In the middle of my family room. Eating a popcorn crumb that Hudson so generously left for him. In my FAMILY ROOM. So what would any city girl do? I screamed, ran back outside and shut the door. When I realized that this would not solve the actual problem and my kids were inside with this (RABID) squirrel...I went back in. All this time, the squirrel paid no attention to me. Just quietly stood there eating some popcorn. So I grabbed two pillows, closed my eyes and shooed that squirrel out of the house. He went quickly and with no argument but I could see it in his eyes that he was evil. I learned my first official lesson of living in the country...always, ALWAYS keep your doors shut.
** Okay, I don't actually know that this squirrel was rabid...but i just know he was. Maybe I am going to become a squirrel whisperer...
THE MICE ( yes plural, MICE)
We had just gotten home from a nice Christmas/New Years vacation at the OBX. We had unpacked and everything was pretty much put away. JJ woke up early the next morning to go to work. After he had left, in my sort of awake, sort of asleep mode...I kept hearing a rustling. I actually didn't think much of it-- I was obviously more in my sleep mode then my awake mode. Then I heard it...squeak squeak squeak. UGHHH...I knew what that meant. Of course, about the same time, Hudson decided that he was going to wake up. I turned a light on, stomped the floor several times to make sure it was no where near me and went into the boys room to quietly tell Hudson to go BACK TO SLEEP. Well, as i was crawling back into my nice, warm bed...I saw it. mouse droppings. IN OUR BED. Which if you put two and two together means that damn mouse was in our bed...while we were in our bed sleeping. I wanted to vomit. I called JJ and began freaking out. He told me to pack up the boys and go to a hotel. I got in the shower because i believed that was the ONLY safe place in our house. Well by the time I got out, the boys were awake and wanted drinks. In the kitchen. Where I knew the mouse was. So I was brave. I opened the fridge door and that darn mouse came darting out from behind the trash can. That's when I lost it. I got up on our dining room chair and called JJ ( yes, you may call this bad parenting that I left my two sons on the floor to fend for themselves-- but, they are boys, they like rodents). The boys then began laughing at me and I kept screaming...THIS IS NOT A FRIENDLY MOUSE...HE DOES NOT SING "HOT DOG HOT DOG HOT DIGGITY DOG!" I told JJ that he HAD TO COME HOME NOW. So being the great husband that he is... he laughed at me....then said he was on his way back home. Now the mouse was in hiding and I was determined to make this the most unfriendly house for a mouse. I cleaned. and cleaned. and cleaned some more. All day long. After dinner and after the boys were in bed, we set some traps, went downstairs and watched a movie. Well it wasn't ten minutes until we heard SNAP! And that was the end of Mickey Mouse #1. JJ felt bad for killing it-- I didn't care, it was out of my house and out of my BED. Well it wasn't even two days later, where I started to find more mouse droppings. Now there weren't a lot...just a little so I kept trying to convince myself that I must have just missed some from the last visitor. Well, I was definitely just in denial because once again, that night, we got another one. Thankfully, we have not had any since then. And if we do-- YOU may be getting a knock on your door from ME telling you I'm moving in ( as long as YOU don't have mice!).

There are more stories and lots of pictures that I need to post up-- the house does look amazing. My husband did a great job making this house a home. However, I don't have time to take pictures right now but I promise I will soon!!

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